So today I took a couple of pictures of the girls and some eggs with larva, eggs are much easier to see when the sun is out. I haven't seen much pollen coming back but there seems to be lots in the comb, in about a week all the brood should be capped and they will start drawing out more comb on the new foundation. Some of the new foundation that I put in is being worked but not much. I will post pictures of that later, so as promised here is some pictures of brood
I put a little honey from an old swarm box that had honey comb in it, in front of some of the entrances. Getting the older honey that has bits of legs and dirt out of the way and the girls can make it into new honey. I know some say that open feeding is not a good idea however I put an old hive box with some crushed honey comb a good distance from the hives. Hopefully it doesn't attract unwanted guests |
Drake FarmsTim, Jen, Emma and Drake would like to thank you for taking the time to visit the site. The farm is named after our dog Drake who has been a constant fixture in our lives for the past 8 years. His easy going and friendly nature is the reason the farm is named after him. He is the first one to greet you when you arrive, and makes you his friend instantly. He is the heart and soul of our family Archives
May 2013