So today is our one year anniversary of becoming commercial beekeepers, we would like to thank everyone that has supported us this past year. We have received a lot of positive feedback on our business and website, feel free to contact us as we enjoy hearing from all of you.
We have meet a lot of great people and look forward to bringing more products, flavours of honey and more options for payments and of course more places to purchase our products. When we started keeping bees and selling products from the hive we weren't sure what we were doing. We are constantly trying to adapt and cater to your requests for products. This year we will be carrying bulk propolis, more pollen, new candles to our beeswax line, and of course more honey products, this fall we will be trying a honey mead line as well. A road side stand will be coming this fall and as always we don't mind bringing the hive products to you. Also we will be offering from our farm fresh free range chicken eggs, we started with some laying hens and will offer some eggs to our customers and neighbours. If you have any requests feel free to send us an email and we will do our best to accommodate your request. So from myself, my wife Jen and daughter Emma thanks to everyone that had made this past y
Drake FarmsTim, Jen, Emma and Drake would like to thank you for taking the time to visit the site. The farm is named after our dog Drake who has been a constant fixture in our lives for the past 8 years. His easy going and friendly nature is the reason the farm is named after him. He is the first one to greet you when you arrive, and makes you his friend instantly. He is the heart and soul of our family Archives
May 2013